Plastic is an environmental hazard. It is polluting land, water and air because it is Non – Biodegradable. A special Assembly was conducted on 19 Jul 19 where the children spoke about the harmful effects of plastic. They should use the alternative materials that can be used in place of the plastic bags. They emphasised on the fact that if they want to save the Environment from the increasing pollution then we must “SAY NO TO PLASTIC”.
To spread awareness among the parents a circular has been distributed to all the students of the school.
Around 30 students of FLORETS- THE ECO CLUB of AFSSS took out a massive rally on 24 Jul 19 inside the school campus as a part of BEAT THE PLASTIC campaign. The participants of the Rally held placards that carried messages on the Protection of the Environment, Harmful effects of Plastics. Under the drive plastic waste was collected from the primary section of the school and tiny tots were told to buy new steel bottles and tiffin boxes. Children with full zeal and enthusiasm distributed pamphlets to residents of AF campus and exhibited recyclable items to motivate people towards the use of paper or cloth bags.
To emphasise more about single use plastic items students of class 9 and 10 prepared and performed a nukkad natak on 31 Jul 19 in the Morning Assembly. All the children took pledge that they will make their school single use plastic free zone and think of alternatives.
Now is the time for us all to re-think and do something about it before it’s too late – before this one time miracle material damages us and our planet even more than it is already.