Report – Mock Drill for Fire and Life Safety

As per circular No. F.16/Estate/PGC/Fire Safety/10/951-85 dated 15/07/2014 Fire safety Mock Drill and Evacuation drill was conducted in the A.F.S.S.S. Race Course on 15th July 2014. The students were made to understand the escape plan and practice for moving through escape routes. They were told that the purpose of this drill was to establish a systematic, safe and orderly evacuation of students and teachers from the affected area to safety.
The Students were guided to follow the instructions given below:

  1. Raising the Alarm – Any child discovering an outbreak of fire should raise an alarm to notify others. This can be done by shouting ‘Fire – Fire” or sounding of bell.
  2. Local Fire brigade shall immediately be informed over 101.
  3. Students should come out in proper line and not create any noise or panic.
  4. Class Teacher has to come out and head count /roll calls are to be conducted.
  5. No overtaking, running, shouting laughing shall be allowed.
  6. Keep Fire extinguisher in working condition at your home and school.
  7. In case of fire –
  • Never stand up. Always Crawl low on the ground and keep your face covered.
  • Do not Run – Roll over ground to put off the fire.
  • In case of emergency Dial – 101- Fire Emergency.

1077 – Disaster Helpline No.

In the presence of the Principal, Mrs. Kavita Menon, the teachers of the Social Science department with our Sports teacher gave demonstrations on the above drill in which they interacted with the students. This mock drill was successful and it was a good awareness activity for the students to prepare them to handle the situation of Fire Emergency.


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