The Legal Literacy Club at Air Force Sr Sec School is a hub of legal knowledge for the students on 29 Jul 17. Incharge of legal literacy club Mrs. Kusum Sharma along with Eco Club In-charge Mrs. Geetika Arora organized a talk for the students of Legal Literacy club and Eco Club on the Topic “Environment Protection”. Out guest lecturer Mr. Satya Ranjan Swain talked about Environment Proteciton, Cmimate Change, Different Conventions that are being done as a part of Environment protection act. He made students aware about the norms followed by central government to maintain the quality of the environment. He discussed about section 07 and section 15 under Environment Protection Act. Country wise as well as Global standards are set for all the pollutants. Students learnt about controversies happening between Developed Countries and Developing Countries related to Environmental Pollution. Students raised questions which were very well answered and fruitful Mr. Swain overall it was an Enriching experience for all of us.

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