Air Force Sr Sec School celebrated its Annual Day “Namami Gange” on 30 Jul 16 in the School Auditorium with great zeal and enthusiasm. The programme commenced with the lighting of the Ceremonial lamp by the Hon’ble Chief Guest Air Cmde Pawan Mohey VSM. The students and the Air Force School Song. This they paid obeisance to the Almighty through Ganesh Vandana which was followed by the Cultural programme based on the theme ‘Namami Gange’. All the performances depicted the Ganga’s holy origin, the cause of its pollution and the message that it needs to be purified and given back its original glory. The Principal Mrs Kavitha Menon, read the School’s Annual report which highlighted the achievements of the school. It was presented well supported with the power point presentation. This was followed by the Prize Distribution ceremony where the Guest of Honour Mrs Anuradha Mohey AFFWA President (L), gave away prizes to the academically meritorious pupils of the school. Best Teachers of the session were also felicitated by the Chief Guest. The programme culminated with the National Anthem.

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