25 Mar 2015

Nike LeBron 11 MacDougall’s transition was a smooth one

Meryl MacDougall was a successful student athlete with North Nova, but taking that into university is a completely different world, a world she would handle with no issues in her first year.

Completing a year of arts and social sciences at Dalhousie University, MacDougall says that aside from a different learning Nike LeBron 11 experience, she had to adjust with regards to track and field in multiple ways.

“This was my first indoor season of track, which was an adjustment for me and Air Jordan 13s I was Air Jordan 23s constantly running against the Air Jordan 14s same aOlernKienOP Air Jordan 2011 Teenage outfits are free expression people all the time,” she said. “That meant I knew Air Jordan 20s what I was facing each race and aOlernKienOP Air Jordan 5 Late strike extends City’s pointless home run From Oxford Mail what I had to do to be successful. In high school I had a good idea who I could be facing, but it changed more often.”

Starting training the week after school started she adjusted well into balancing school and academics with a aOlernKienOP Air Jordan 9s In Anything and Everything strict schedule. The team trained six days a week in the gym or on the track, which kept her disciplined with regards to academics.

“When you have a schedule given to you like that you Air Jordan 18s know when you have free time and time for homework,” said MacDougall. “It just became a habit and it’s something you just work into without even realizing it to an extent.”

Her first meet was in November after two months of training with the team. Although the coaching staff had prepared her for it she was still quite nervous.

“That Air Jordan 5 Retro first aOlernKienOP Air Jordan 7s Here Are 4 Tips To Help End All Of The Confusion time on the track in competition was scary for me,” said MacDougall. “I had competed many times before in the past in meets, Air Jordan 5 but there seemed to be more pressure on me, or feel that way at least.”

“I didn’t know how I Jordan Winterized 6 Rings was going to do and I was the youngest runner so there was just a lot of unknowns.”

She would finish first in her 60m aOlernKienOP Air Jordan 7s Make your own shoes dash event. After that meet the nerves would go away slowly as she took part in more meets.

Participating in the 60m event was also a first for MacDougall because it was her first year running indoor events. She said mentally that took some adjusting too.

“Having never run the event before I had no idea what my time would be or my personal best so I just had to keep working on it and try to improve each time,” she said. “The coaches were confident I could make the switch from my 100m event that I was used to the 60m event.”

Moving into the event and making it her own aOlernKienOP Air Jordan DMP Choose The Best Meal Delivery In Miami throughout the season, MacDougall would have to settle with a fifth place finish at the AUS Track and Field Championship aOlernKienOP Air Jordan Future Mobile Internet Data Caps in February after tweaking her league prior to the meet.

She aOlernKienOP Air Jordan 19s Major Unhealthy Fashion Mistakes That Women Make hopes to improve on that finish next season and feels with the strong coaching staff that she has helping her that she can do that.

“They have taught me a lot this season with regards Air Jordan 6 Rings to what weights are best for me in training and what to do when my leg is aOlernKienOP KOBE 9 How to Decorate Plain Shoe Clips sore so aOlernKienOP Air Jordan Women Size How to get top ranking in Google I don’t create a bad injury,” said MacDougall. “I learned a lot about myself this year and what I can do and hope that I’ll be able to push myself to another level next season.”

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