Air Jordan 10 nike sweaty feet
We use the SmartKnit AFO socks an I can say enough good things abut them, they are great. We get 4 pairs with each new set of AFOs covered by insurance, so make sure to ask when you get new AFOs (we use Hanger). They are light weight, completely seam free, anti microbial and wick sweat away very effectively. Well worth it in my opinion.
Samantha has been molded for her new pair of afo’s and we are using a new Air Jordan 10 nike company to us, called Level 4 Orthotics, and the orthotist came out to the house and everything, i was very impressed. I didn’t know there was a such thing where they come to you. But he mentioned that they provide a pair of shoes and some afo socks with every new pair of afo’s. So i’m excited to see everything and get to try them out. i don’t know the brand name of the socks yet, he says they keep moisture off the skin and are seemless. I’ll let you know how they work.
James 4/3/06 Samantha 8/4/08 w/spina bifida. These are so much more affordable then the SmartKnits, they are very thin and breathable. I sent a question in to the company and received a wonderful, informative e mail back from the orthotist who designed them. I thought I’d include it here because I think it’s pertinent to your question. Hope it helps:
Hello Kristin, thank you for your interest in my AFO Socks. In answer to your question re: wicking and anti microbial. Be very careful as you and your very young son become consumers of the orthotic and orthopedic community for kids with special needs. There is an abundance of marketing hype re: the needed anti microbial properties of socks to be worn with AFO’s. I have fit thousands of kids over the last 35 years as an Orthotist in Ottawa, Canada. Mibrobial issues or fungal issues are almost non existant. This is definitely not a required property of a sock and I can not reflect on any science that might authenticate such claims by a sock vendor or manufacturer. The wicking properties is another advertised claim, but one must realize that the kiddies wear these socks under a solid layer or plastic which is very snug fitting. Most wicking properties will not impact the wearer as Air Jordan 10 wicking implies removing moisture to a layer further from the skin surface where the moisture can then evaporate, this evaporation will be obviously hindered air jordan 7 premio bin 23 for sale by the plastic AFO. Do not worry, as you will find that a well fitted sock without fabric wrinkles, with a reasonable percentage of cotton, with or air jordan 13 grey toe white team red flint grey without a toe seam, and of a height to fold over top of AFO preferably, will work just fine. I have found that the sock is reasonably easy to find in a kids clothing department for the very young like your litlle guy, and you may not need a specialty product yet. have fitted my product and one of identical composition for many years and the feedback from many families is air jordan 2 ii retro qf candy pack varsity red black white all good. you use my little measurement guide on the product page you can assess my sizing which I think may be large for your boy. truly do not want to discourage you, but just offer some honest advice from someone who has been enjoying pediatric orthotics for a long time.