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And it was good.Nearly eight years later, it is still good. Each month, our website attracts about 80,000 comments. Comments that add value to our journalism. Comments that flow from communities that have grown organically around our stories and columns. Comments that have created a new era of engagement.But mixed in with the good and the bad Nike LeBron 12 is the ugly. And by ugly, I’m talking about the digital diatribes that go well beyond poor taste to Air Jordan 10 Retro hate and outright racism.Our tracking shows only about three per cent of comments posted end up being flagged and half of those end up being removed for violating our terms and conditions. But 1.5 per cent is still 1,200 comments too many, so we are making a change in our online commenting policy in order to improve the conversation on our website.As of Monday, June, 3, only those who subscribe to the Free Press, either for home delivery or online, will be able to comment.The thinking behind our policy change is the bulk of the ugliness that lands from time to time on our website comes from those abusing the “free” in Free Press to engage in gutter talk or worse on our no cost forum. In some cases, it appears people will register for a free account just to launch a drive by smear and then never post again.By contrast, those who see such value in the Free Press that they are willing to pay to access what we write and to Air Jordan Future join the conversation will also respect and value the standards of tolerance and decency we demand as part of the online dialogue and Jordan 10 Retro debate.To put it bluntly, we want to keep the party crashers out so those who’ve paid for the right to be part of the online conversation can do so without being turned off by yahoos spewing vile and bile.There will no doubt be some who will accuse the Free Press of limiting their right to free speech, or complain that we’re not living up to the “free” in Free Press. They, of course, are entitled to their opinion, but, just for the record, there are no charter rights requiring us to have their voice heard at our water cooler.I recognize we might initially see a drop in the number of online comments posted. But the goal here is the quality of the online debate, not the quantity.The conversations will still be free wheeling. You can use your real name when commenting or pseudonym if that’s your choice. Nothing will change other than taking the anti social behaviour out of a key part of the social media at the Free Press.If you’ve already registered online as a Free Press subscriber, you are ahead of the game. If you are a subscriber, click on “register” to get your user name and password. If you are not a subscriber, click on the “subscribe” button to get started or call our audience development department at 204 697 7001.For the next week, anyone and everyone can comment on this story for free. We’ve compiled the answers to many of your questions below.Will non subscribers be able to read the news?Will non subscribers be able to read the comments?Will non subscribers be able to report comments as abusive?Yes. Any reader can report a comment as abusive.Will non subscribers be able to give comments thumbs up or thumbs down?No. Only subscribers will be able to vote comments up or down.Will I have to comment using my real name?No, readers can still use Air Jordan 20s pseudonyms. Their pseudonym will be connected with their real name behind the scenes in the Free Press subscription and commenting system, but not publicly.