Air Jordan 4s Weigh your baby If you don’t have a baby scale
Can I track my baby’s growth at home?Yes, though doing it yourself may not be as accurate as when Air Jordan 4s the doctor or nurse does it. However, sometimes parents pick up on mistakes made at the doctor’s office or catch growth problems sooner. If you want to give it a try:
Weigh your baby. If you don’t Air Jordan Women Size have a baby scale, any accurate scale will do. Simply hold your baby and get on the scale. Air Jordan 17s Write down that number. Then put your baby down and get on the scale alone. Lay him down and stretch a measuring tape from the top of his head to the bottom of his heel. It’s easiest if you have someone help because you’ll need to gently stretch your baby’s leg straight to do this. Wrap a flexible Air Jordan 11s measuring tape around his head just above his eyebrows and ears, and around the back where his head slopes up prominently from his neck.
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