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military is stretched too thin, private firms like Blackwater and DynCorp have graciously offered to fill in the gaps. They’re kind of like substitute teachers, except instead of kicking up their heels, reading trashy romance novels and snacking on CornNuts, these substitutes Air Jordan 12s are kicking up their heels and doing some Abu Ghraibing, accidental murdering and sex slave trafficking.
Since 2000, Blackwater alone has received at least $600 million in contracts from the CIA and over a billion dollars from the federal government. In all, 90 percent of their total revenue comes from United States government contracts. So what do they do with all that money? The exact same thing the military does security, training, humanitarian aid and jogging in time to singsong rhymes.
The problem, though, is oversight. Normally, the military is accountable to the government; the minute a marine screws up, a whole can of procedural hell is opened up.
Not so with private security companies, which was why when Blackwater contractors killed 17 unarmed civilians in September 2007, no one was quite sure Air Jordan 5s what to do about it. And why when a former employee was accused of murder, Blackwater founder Erik Prince said all they could do was fire him. And probably why the same accused murderer was free and available for other private contractors to get him armed and back in the Middle East within months of the incident.
Ahhhh, good times, guys. Good times.
Not only are the repercussions of dirty dealings murky for private Air Jordan 6s contractors, but also for a while there the guys were . The fact that private security companies have to start playing by some vague rules that aren’t exactly spelled out is the good news. The bad news is that once official troops finally start getting out of Iraq, the number of private contractors is expected to triple.
“I’ve got an idea, guys why don’t we just pay them by the war crime?”
The idea behind privatizing things that used to be run by the government is that private companies tend to do jobs more efficiently. Walmart gets you through the checkout line way faster than the DMV gets you a new license.
So, when privately run prisons started popping up, it Air Jordan CDP seemed to make sense; if a corporation can guard, house and feed prisoners more efficiently than the government, why not let them? It will save everybody money and if it makes life harder on a bunch of criminals, who gives a shit, right?
“Wait, it doesn’t cost anything to set those chains on fire, right?”
As a society, you kind of want there to be fewer prisoners. Prison is about the most expensive possible way to deal with a person who is doing something you don’t like. But if you’re a company getting paid by the prisoner, well, you want the opposite.
So, remember Arizona’s controversial anti illegal immigrant law, which required immigrants over the age of 14 to carry their papers at all times? And how getting caught without proper documentation would get them up to 20 days in jail on the first offense? Actually, illegal immigrants are probably relieved about the 20 day thing, since the first version of the law allowed for up to six months in jail.
And they have to share a cell with Rod Blagojevich’s hair.
Now, we’re not interested in debating immigration policy or border safety. But chew on the first draft of that law for a second. Six months in jail, when it costs somewhere in the neighborhood of , and when Arizona claims to have somewhere in the neighborhood of 460,000 illegal immigrants. Someone was going to have to house a whole bunch of unNorth American Americans.
“Can we just stick them in some shitty slums and harass them when they try to leave? Has anyone thought of that yet?”
It’s a good thing a for profit prison company had a plan! They didn’t just have a plan, they were the driving force behind the law itself. not even in Arizona.
And don’t think that just because the CCA had a heavy hand in writing the bill that they nobly recused themselves from campaign donations or lobbying legislators, because of course they didn’t. Even better, a solid year before the bill passed, representatives from the company started pitching a prison to house illegal women and children, since women and children are clearly Arizona’s number one perpetrators of mayhem.
Oh yeah. That kid means trouble.
What’s so wrong with prisons that make a little money? Nothing, except for two small things. One is that private prisons are pretty shitty at their jobs. One private prison has been accused of using beatings as a behavior management tool. At another facility, an immigrant was left for 13 hours in solitary confinement after suffering some sort of mysterious brain injury. He died not long after, and family and friends are still in the dark about what happened to him in the first place.
Unfortunately, we’ll never know.
Other private prisons are accused of cutting corners to the point where the corners are no longer corners they’re just dilapidated knobs. They cut guard pay, food quality, drug rehab programs, medical care and basic necessities like toilet paper because, hey, why not?
Let’s say you’re an investigative reporter. And for shits and giggles, let’s say you work for Fox News. Now, let’s say that you are investigating an agriculture company, and you discover the company has a stupid amount of synthetic bovine growth hormone in its milk. Which is interesting because milk containing that particular hormone is banned all over the developed world (except in the United States). So you make your report, do your consequent 83 edits required by your news station, then, presumably because your boss is the devil, you get asked to make it so the hormone sounds as harmless as apple pie. Naturally you threaten to report your station to the FCC. Then, for the sake of a good story, let’s say you’re fired and subsequently blackballed from the media.
We’ll say that, hypothetically, you’re these two people.
Or, pretend you work for the news program 48 Hours and you do an expose on a certain big shoe company’s (Nike’s) labor practices. When you try to update your report with a timely follow up, you’re denied. When you try to respond to a nasty Wall Street Journal piece about your report, you’re denied. Two years later, the same station that aired your report cuts a deal with Nike and lets their sports reporters sport Nike labeled parkas while reporting on the Olympics.
In both cases, major corporations, specifically Monsanto and Nike, influenced the editorial content of news programs. In the Fox News case, the story of Monsanto’s hormone enhanced milk was hyped to the nines by the station, until Monsanto found out about it and wrote to the president of Fox News. The reporters on the story, who refused to downplay the presence of the hormone, were Nike Air Foamposite One fired, but their story was aired in the end wait, actually, the Monsanto version of their story was aired. In 2003, the Florida Court of Appeals agreed that, yes, news media does have the right to lie about everything. After all, why should politicians have all the fun?
As for Nike, in 1998 Nike sponsored CBS coverage of the Olympics in Japan, and part of the deal was that reporters would wear Nike swooshed parkas while reporting. The same parkas that were presumably made in the sweatshops Roberta Baskin of 48 Hours had exposed two years earlier.