Air Jordan 12s Part 1 of 15 How to Create leather work crafts
Leather work is a beautiful and very useful craft Air Jordan 12s that has been practiced for centuries. Our expert is here to teach you how to do leather works like a leather knife sheath in this free craft video series.
Part 1 of 15 How to Create leather work crafts.
Have available an open ended jump ring and attach it to the ring on the necklace you are going to enlarge. After you have attached the jump ring, Air Jordan 16s take your long nose pliers and pinch closed the jump ring. Now you have attached the extender and you can put the clasp of the necklace through any of the links in the extender. Remember necklace extenders can be put on jewelry you make or it can be put on jewelry you buy in the store.
Here an easy step by step tutorial on how to make a leather sheath for your Scandinavian knife. Place the knife on top of the leather you will be using to make the sheath. Measure the tip of your knife away from the bottom of Air Jordan 2011 the leather for about a size of the width of your index finger. Wrap the knife with the material you using to measure the length and width of the sheath. Mark the edges of the leather that will be needed to make the sheath. Cut out the leather by following the markers that you made from the previous step. When the part is already cut out, you now ready to make.
This video shows how to make an earring holder. You will need a canvas and Air Jordan 19s some acrylic paint. Paint the entire canvas including the sides. You can paint it a solid color, or paint any design you like. Use glue to attach some glitter, or use puffy paint Air Jordan 1s or glitter glue to decorate the earring holder. When the paint is dry it is ready to use. Simply push your earrings through the canvas. If you have earrings that are delicate, you may want to use a nail to form a hole in the canvas before placing the earring through so that you don bend the jewelry. If you are using a wooden canvas you can.