22 Mar 2015

Jordan 13 Retro my husband would drive it right back to the dealership”

On why I should move back Jordan 13 Retro to my hometown: “The houses are cheaper! Such a waste of money by you.” nevermind that the taxes are higher and the school system sucks. Everyone I KOBE 9 know who still lives there hates it

On why my husband is apparently a dumbass for trying to teach LO a different language (my husband was not born here): “The kid can barely speak English.” LO has a speech delay, which he does receive help for Air Jordan 6 Rings and is doing great.

On me bitching about my car: “Well just go behind DH’s back, buy a car and make him pay for it.” yeah, my husband would drive it right back to the dealership.”

On me wanting to possibly further my Air Jordan 6s education: “Why, you already have a college degree. Anything higher Air Jordan 12s is just a waste of time and money.” and then she proceeded to ask me if I have just a bachelor’s or do I have a master’s too? Thanks a fucking heap for remembering the years of homework and student loan debt.

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