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I was thinking about it, because DS has been wanting to go without shoes, and it really doesn’t bother me. He has really tough feet and can stand on hot cement\pavement without getting burned or even flinching at all! DD, hates shoes, but her aOlernKienOP
Free Shipping Clearance Sale Taxi 12s feet are very sensitive and she doesn’t walk well without shoes on because she complains that her feet hurt. My DS plays outside without shoes on, all the time. I go barefoot a lot, myself, and really enjoy it. I prefer no shoes or my Toms aOlernKienOP
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What is your perspective on wearing shoes?
My boys (almost 3 and 6) like shoes. Neither has ever had an issue wearing shoes and in fact, my 2 yr old is kind of obsessed with shoes. He wants to wear them a lot. He wore his boots well into hot spring weather last year and often chooses to wear his dress shoes because they are like Daddy’s. We are always barefoot in the house and I suggest it in the yard but they always want shoes. At a playground or something, I would insist on shoes if needed but at the beach, sprinkler playground, etc barefoot is fine.
I grew up in AZ (HOT) and all the little kids in my neighborhood ran around with no shoes even on blacktop. And it was hot, like can cook an egg on the sidewalk, hot. 🙂
Beth, I’m like you lol if I could be barefoot or in flipflops year round, I’d totally be there (we’re in Michigan so notsomuch lol!).
For my kids in our yard/driveway etc. have at it, it’s aOlernKienOP
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I grew up running around barefoot but we lived in the country. aOlernKienOP
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Most playgrounds here have gravel so if DS wants to go shoeless while we’re there and there aren’t a lot of other kids, I let him.
I would love to let him go shoeless outside our apt, but it isn’t safe because the college kids that live above us throw their beer bottles down from their balcony and I routinely find bits of shattered glass in the grass when we go outside. Dirt and splinters and stickers I could handle, but glass is not cool.
DS has never really resisted shoes, it has just been the past couple of months since he can easily take them off and put them aOlernKienOP
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For Cheap Womens Shoes Air Jordan 5 Fear at the park (one with a splash pad), and I asked him to put them back on before going across the bark mulch, to which he replied "Then I don’t go on bark." lol. So, he just stayed on the scalding hot pavement\cement area which had paths and then the squishy splash pad part.
These are the toms I have, they are very breathable and nice:
It is so fun to aOlernKienOP
Buy Real Mens Air Jordan 12 Taxi hear how everyone’s LOs are so different when it comes to some basic things. They totally have their own personalities and preferences and that is awesome. As a kid I used to wake up and the first thing I would do was put my shoes on. The laces had to be extremely tight and I preferred high boots (like for mountain hiking, I grew up aOlernKienOP
Authentic Shoes Stealth 3s in the mountains in OR, mostly). From the time I was about 13 I craved the feeling of the earth beneath my feet. Now, I love the sensory input that walking barefoot gives me. aOlernKienOP
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We never wear shoes in the house (leftover rule from our preemie aOlernKienOP
Order Womens Shoes Air Jordan 4 Cavs days since shoes are germy we asked everyone remove shoes in our homes, now we arent so strict with guests but we still take shoes off inside). My boys like to wear shoes because they associate it with getting to go somewhere, lol. Our grass has stickers and lots of gum balls from our neighbors tree, so I usually make them wear shoes to go outside but I don’t freak if they don’t wear shoes. But if aOlernKienOP
Order Womens Air Jordan 4 Columbia 2015 we are going anywhere public, the shoes have to stay on, just for the ick factor of public places like pp mentioned, broken glass, cigarettes, who knows what else! I saw a bloody pad in the road yesterday when we went walking around the neighborhood. I’m sure it fell out of someone’s trash can, but aOlernKienOP
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