Air Jordan 2 Retro The next test
We got our screening back around 16 weeks with a 1:16 risk for DS. I don’t have the numbers in front of me. but they were all over the place from what I remember! We then were scheduled for a level II ultrasound at 18 weeks with option for amnio at the same time. which we ended up turning down. It is a very personal Air Jordan 2 Retro decision and for us we just couldn’t bring ourselves to do it with any kind of risk of losing Air Jordan 7s the baby even though it is very small. Plus, it wouldn’t have changed our minds about continuing the pregnancy. We’ve been able to find a place to be content for now with the waiting. which has it’s ups and downs. We also found out at a follow up ultrasound after the level II that our baby has an AV Canal defect of the heart which is very common in babies with DS. so our risk for DS is about 75% now.
All the emotions you are experiencing are completely normal. and you just have to feel them. My biggest piece of advice is to try not to freak yourself out too much about the test. or having the amnio. find things to do that will take your mind of it and keep you busy. Oh and don’t drive yourself insane with the internet either. it just doesn’t help you relax looking for explainations of everything with that screening test. b/c there is really nothing to compare your numbers with. everyone’s are different and when they are all factored together based on the statistics you get your risk assessment.
I can tell you that my NT scan was much higher than yours, over 4, which was so abnormal that my doctor basicaly said don’t bother with the quad screening and sent us straight to the Level 2 u/s and genetic counselor. So I never got the blood test done and can’t help you with the other numbers. It was a very hard time and I agree with your totally that not knowing was far worse than knowing, although I completely understand couples who make the decision not to risk the amnio, it was the right choice for me. the previous post said, don’t drive yourself crazy trying to read things on the internet. You can find two websites that totaly contradict each other and make yourself nuts! Also, beware of doctors that are all doom and gloom, mine was! I have since switched doctors and am much happier. know that waiting for your amnio results will feel like a million years, but try to relax and stay positive.
HI there yes, I have been in your shoes too. I found out in my 1st screening that I was a 3% chance I think that is 3 in 100 and I didn’t think much about it because I still had a 97% chance that everything was FINE.
The next test, the triple blood screen came back 1 in 5 and raised my odds to 20%. I was pretty upset.
At that point I decided to have the amnio too.
The amnio doesn’t lie. It was a relief to have it and to find out the results. I could not hang in there guessing it was making Air Jordan Fusion 4 me sick sick sick.
You can likely get the results in 3 days ask them Monday.
Hi. You were brave to post here. Air Jordan 2s You will find TONS of support and lots of moms who have been there and others who are going through it now. Congratulations on your pregnancy!
I, too, found out at my first trimester screening that there may be a problem. I am pregnant with twins and my HCG was in the 95th percentile while my PAPP A was in the 20th. Unfortunately, I don’t have the actual numbers. Baby A’s nuchal translucency was 1.8 giving her a 1 in 350 risk and Baby B’s was 2.7, giving him a 1 in 9 risk.
We decided against the amnio because the risk of miscarriage increases in twin pregnancies and we felt we’d rather wait it out. It’s such a personal decision and I admire your choice to go ahead with the amnio.
We have a level 2 ultrsound on Thursday, at which time they will look for any soft markers for Downs, and if they don’t find any they’ll cut our risk in half, which is still a very poor 1 in 18!
We panicked at the beginning Air Jordan 3s of this journey and are now surprisingly content with it all. We are OK with waiting, OK if he has Downs. We’ve been able to do some research and connect with some great people.
Oh, a low PAPP A number can also indicate a placental issue, which is also an issue with me. I have placenta previa and experienced severe bleeding at week 15. I’m still healing from that bleed and am on bed rest. But, for us, we were more concerned about the large 2.7 measurement of Baby B’s nuchal translucency than the blood tests, so we aren’t taking much from that.
Good luck with your amnio. Keep in mind you have a 99% chance your baby does not have Downs. Will you be getting FSH results? Please keep us posted.
Hi and welcome. Our research thread is floating around here somewhere and if you search you will see that amnios in the hands of experienced operators carry very little risk, and yes answers do provide many benefits. It really does not hurt, although I’m squeamish so I found it uncomfortable.
Although really you have only a very small chance of DS, please keep in mind that the news can be a real shocker even if you think you’re prepared at least that’s the way it was for me. It really won’t be like that throughout the pregnancy, although it is an emotional roller coaster. Certainly the sadness I experienced is a far cry from life today. But I think the emotions are just a necessary and normal step.
Just remember this is just a screening so far and 1 in 100 isn’t a huge number. Please keep as updated after your procedure and if you’d like when the results come in. good luck!