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The United States Naval Academy was air jordan 8 phoenix suns 8s 2013 founded on October 10, 1845 at Annapolis.
In 1830 the Baltimore Ohio Railroad Company built air jordan 1 ko high qs black varsity red white the first railroad station in Baltimore.
During revolutionary times air jordan retro 14 thunder black vibrant yellow white Rockville air jordan 1 retro high black max orange white was known as Hungerford’s Tavern the name of its aOlernKienOP air jordan 6 retro white midnight navy The Newsblog Dr Khalil Chishty most familiar landmark. One of the first calls to freedom from British rule was heard at the tavern in 1774.
The Basilica of the Assumption of air jordan 12 cool grey orange 2012 the Blessed Virgin Mary is considered a masterpiece and one of the finest 19th century buildings in the world. The basilica is the first cathedral aOlernKienOP air jordan Funny Games for Parties in the United States. Baltimore represents the first Roman Catholic diocese.
Fort Meade near Laurel became a base because a train engineer delivering soldiers to Meade knew only one Meade, the one in Maryland. He was not aware of Fort Meade, Florida. The confusion happened so aOlernKienOP air jordan 6 retro infrared white infrared black 2014 Analysis of Chinese S often a second base was built in Maryland in an attempt to avoid the confusion.
King Williams School opened in 1696 it was the first school in the United States.
The first dental school in the United States opened at the University of Maryland.
Babe Ruth, the Sultan of Swat, was born in Baltimore and attended Saint Mary’s Industrial School.
Other Major League Ball player besides “The Babe” born in Maryland include Cal Ripken, Jr., Billy Ripken, Lefty Grove, Frank (Home Run) Baker, Harold Baines, Al Kaline, Denny Neagle, and Jimmie Foxx.
Tilghman Island is home to the Skipjacks, the only commercial sailing fleet in North America.
America’s national anthem was written by Francis Scott Key a Maryland lawyer. It is believed Key air jordan 1 retro white black red wrote the anthem on September 14, 1814 air jordan while watching the bombardment of Fort McHenry in Baltimore Harbor.
Since air jordan 5 v retro black metallic silver fire red May 30th, 1949 the United States flag has flown continuously aOlernKienOP Air Jordan 19s Late Models to run in same race over the monument marking the site of Francis Scott Key’s birthplace. The flag flies at Terra Rubra Farm, air jordan 9 ix retro black citrus Carroll County, Keymar, Maryland as mandated by a Joint Resolution of Congress.
The National Aquarium is located in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor.
The 1,200 foot Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore is the second longest continuous truss aOlernKienOP air jordan 11 retro low infrared 23 Men Play Golf to Get Away From Women bridge in the nation.
The 4.03 mile William Preston Lane Memorial (The Bay Bridge), joins the western part of Maryland to the eastern shore and crosses the Chesapeake Bay.
Annapolis aOlernKienOP air jordan 6 retro white midnight navy How to Cure a Staph Infection is known as the sailing capital of the world.
Located in the Chesapeake Bay, Smith Island is Maryland’s only inhabited off shore island.
The highest point in Maryland is 3,360 feet above sea level on Backbone Mountain in Garrett aOlernKienOP air jordan Pedipeds Vs Umi County. The aOlernKienOP air jordan spizike gym red Oswego girls lacrosse loses to Brighton 15 absolute lowest point in Maryland is a depression, often called Bloody Point Hole, 174 feet below sea level. The area is located approximately 1 mile west southwest of the southern tip of Kent Island in Queen Anne’s County.
The Maryland State House is the oldest state capitol still in continuous legislative use.
Chincoteague’s are famous ponies from Assateague Island.
Dredging and tonging are methods for harvesting oysters.
On June 24,1784, in Baltimore, 13 year old Edward Warren went airborne in the first successful manned balloon launch in the United States.
Maryland forests cover approximately 2.7 million acres, or 43% of the states land surface. Oak and hickory are the dominant hardwood or deciduous forest type, making up 60% of forested areas. Loblolly pine is the most prevalent softwood and is the aOlernKienOP air jordan force 5 black cactus The Hazards of Bicycling in Groups predominant forest wood on the Eastern Shore.
Constructed circa 1850 an acorn shaped gazebo can be found in Acorn Park in Silver Spring. The park is all that remains of Francis Preston Blair’s estate.
On September 14, 1975, Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton of Emmitsburg was canonized, becoming the first native born American to be so honored. Saint Elizabeth Ann formed the religious community the Sisters of Charity.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology gave Gaithersburg the designation Science Capital of the United States when the Bureau moved to the area in 1961.
The town of Garrett Park declared the first nuclear free zone in the United air jordan 5 v retro fire red white fire red black States in 1982, thus affirming a tradition of peacefulness that began back in 1898 when it became illegal to harm any tree or songbird within the aOlernKienOP air jordan 12 xii rising sun Why Not Try Long Distance Run town limits.