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If you have an ecommerce website and you’re having a difficult time making sales, there are three basic reasons for this:
1. Your Landing Page Is Not Relevant to Your Targeted Keywords. Unfortunately, this is a mistake that many marketers make. They create a landing page that has absolutely nothing to do with their primary keywords. As a result, when prospects land on air jordan 6 retro championship cigar your website, they don’t find what they’re looking for and they quickly leave without purchasing anything.
Put yourself in your prospects shoes. Suppose you were searching for marketing information Nike KD 7 and you ended up air jordan 12 xii retro nubucks unc on a website selling pink flamingos. How long would you stick around? See my point? Make sure that all of your web pages are properly optimized and relevant to the keywords that you’re targeting.
2. Your Website Is Poorly Designed and Confusing. Your website needs to have an orderly structure, and many signposts to help visitors navigate it to find air jordan xx3 black red stealth whatever they’re looking for to get air jordan 2 retro white metallic silver natural grey to whichever air jordan iv 4 retro isaiah doernbecher db charty section of your site they wish to visit. Quickly. Effortlessly. Painlessly.
If you force your prospects to click on multiple links and wander around your website aimlessly trying to find whatever it is they’re seeking, you can bet your bottom dollar they won’t return. There are simply too many other choices available on the Internet for them to put up with that kind of inconvenience.
Construct a user friendly website with a simple navigation system that shows visitors exactly where they are and how to easily get to other sections of your site. Better yet, use a sitemap. Make it easy for your prospects to navigate your website, air jordan 6s carmine 2014 in stock buy now and not only will they return again and again, they’ll bring their friends with them!
3. Your Copy Doesn’t Speak to Your Target Audience. This is another common mistake that many marketers make. They create copy that is too “me” oriented. air jordan 10 x retro shadow Newsflash: Your prospects don’t care about you and your problems. The only thing they care about is what you can do to solve their problems. They want to air jordan v oreo black cool grey white know, “What’s in it for me?” So tell them loud and clear. Tell them in a big, bold, compelling headline, and tell them every step of the way throughout your sales copy. And don’t air jordan 6 vi retro oreo white black just talk about features. Talk about benefits also. Benefits, benefits, benefits! Oh, and one more thing, don’t forget to ask for the sale!
In closing, it’s often the little things that make the biggest difference between success and failure. Follow these three basic rules, and you’ll start reaping a lot more success!