24 Mar 2015

Air Jordan 2010 Select Comfort Corporation Appoints Brenda Lauderback to Bo

Select Comfort Corporation (Nasdaq:SCSS), the nation’s leading bed retailer and creator of the Sleep Number(R) aOlernKienOP air jordan 2010 white black red 8 Colorful Pumps Under bed, today announced that it has expanded its board Air Jordan 2010 of directors air jordan 1 retro white silver navy to aOlernKienOP air jordan 4 oreo black black cool grey Vibram Five Fingers Spyridon LS Rev 10 members and appointed Brenda Lauderback to serve on the Air Jordan 9s aOlernKienOP air jordan 7 raptor black true red dark charcoal club purple Are your kids board effective February 27, 2004.Lauderback will also serve as a member of the Corporate Governance and air jordan 5 v retro fire red white black fire red Nominating Committee of the board of directors.Lauderback is a member of the boards of directors of Irwin aOlernKienOP air jordan 5 v retro fire red white black fire red Shimano HG50 Vs Financial Corporation, Big Lots Corporation, Louisiana Pacific Corporation and Wolverine World air jordan 6 7 gold medal pack Wide, Inc. She was formerly group president of wholesale and retail for Nine West Group in White Plains, New York. She also held a number of management positions at Target Corporation including Air Jordan 1s vice president/general merchandise air jordan spizike white red green manager.”Brenda Lauderback is a highly accomplished leader aOlernKienOP air jordan 4 retro military blue white What Is Tinea Pedis in the air jordan 7 french blue white french blue flint grey retail and consumer products industry and her air jordan 2 retro concord white concord black expertise and leadership will be valuable in helping to guide Select Comfort’s profitable growth,” said Bill McLaughlin, Select Comfort president and chief executive officer.Lauderback has received a number of honors including an Alumni Achievement Award from Robert Morris University, the Career Women of Achievement Award from the YMCA of Cincinnati, the Femmy Award from the Under Fashions Club, the Bragg Award for Outstanding Achievement from the Black Retail Action Group aOlernKienOP air jordan fusion 4 black red DS wants to sleep with shoes on and the Pinto Project Award from the Ford Foundation. She has served as president of the Minneapolis St. air jordan 11 pantone university blue white black 2014 aOlernKienOP air jordan 6 rings seattle supersonics shin bone Articles Paul Chapter of Links, and has aOlernKienOP air jordan future black black white Helpful Analysis of Sketchers Variety S served on the advisory board for the Rosie O’Donnell All Kids Foundation and the board of trustees for the Hord Foundation.Lauderback holds a bachelor of science aOlernKienOP air jordan force 5 black blue red Sunshine on HubPages degree in marketing from aOlernKienOP air jordan 5 v retro ra laser white army olive solar orange bison Are the a Robert Morris University in Pittsburgh, Penn. issued or pending patents for its personalized sleep products. The company designs, manufactures and markets a line of adjustable firmness mattresses featuring air chamber technology, branded the Sleep Number(R) bed, as well as foundations and sleep accessories.

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