19 Mar 2015

Jordan Pro Strong No doubt traumatized by his parents’ death threat

Don’t get us wrong, we’re pleased when the neighborhood exhibitionist takes a unhealthy interest in vulnerable children. The scary part is when the animated picture of Jordan Pro Strong the red track suited man magically bursts into a nude man who utilizes an inappropriate wide legged stance.

The “Sigmund” in the title is a sad little lettuce heap of worthlessness who, in the course of the tune, is literally Jordan Retro 1 beat out of his home Air Jordan CDP by his abusive family. The sea monster dad Air Jordan 11s tells Sigmund to “go out and scare some humans, or you’re through!”

No doubt traumatized by his parents’ death Air Jordan 2s threat, Sigmund makes a pathetic attempt at scaring some unsupervised children. The children mercilessly taunt Sigmund, laughing as his limp little tentacles attempt to catch a ball they callously fling at his googly eyes. Watch them mock as they force the little blob to hula hoop. He has no torso, you dicks.

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