19 Mar 2015

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It’s the era of Internet and we can talk in seconds with someone on the other side of the planet, but it’s obvious that there’s never been a time of deeper isolation than this one.

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They need more though, what they need most of all is understanding with out hearts, and the willingness and the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and the courage to look at things from different angles and perspectives.

In doing so we can overcome our differences, in language, gender, background, and in every aspect aOlernKienOP
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To be able to achieve this, we often need to let go of painful memories, expectations and belief systems that filter and bias our view of the world and that can lead to misunderstandings, separation, conflicts and wars.

It is the same in our bodies, we mirror inside us the lack of communication aOlernKienOP
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Like the aOlernKienOP
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We are a huge community of trillions of cells, far far more than the population on planet Earth.

In the same way some people aOlernKienOP
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For a healthy digestive system for example, the liver needs to exchange information with the pancreas, and to do so effectively it may be necessary to let go of the excessive anger stored, or of the worry aOlernKienOP
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Inside a country itself there are more often than not harsh divisions between North and South, my city and your city; in the aOlernKienOP
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Remember: each part of our body to function well needs aOlernKienOP
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The more our cells are in harmony and health, the more we will be and this will reflect in our aOlernKienOP
Store Online Infrared 23 11s Low lives and in our world, with a positive chain effect that will add a piece to the harmony and well being of the world, a piece that we might consider small but that could well be the tipping point for a healthier planet Earth.

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The good news aOlernKienOP
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Try this exercise every day: it was inspired by something I’ve read on the book Personal Development for Smart People by Steve Pavlina, highly recommended.

Every morning and every evening take at least 3 minutes to sit quietly with your eyes closed.

Imagine yourself in your heart center, in your heart chakra, and aOlernKienOP
Here Is Our Online Cool Grey 9s send love to every part of your body; then imagine that each part of your body is sending love back to you.

According to how much time you have you can do a section of your body and an organ at a time or an inch of your body every minute.

Pretty soon, if not immediately, the imagination will turn aOlernKienOP
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2) Get to know yourself and your body

Focus for a day or for a week on an organ, on an endocrine or on a body part, and learn something about it, how it aOlernKienOP
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Focus on it as if it was aOlernKienOP
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Experience it: Close your eyes, take some deep breaths and imagine becoming smaller, so that aOlernKienOP
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Imagine going into your body, and starting a conversation with the organ.

Greet it, and wait for the answer, or for flack of it.

You may hear it reply to you, you might see words or feel them or have a sense of them.

Whatever you get don’t second guess it.

If you don’t hear or see or feel anything ask yourself I were hearing something from it what would it be?

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