8 Mar 2015

jordan 3 You Don't Have To Be Perfect

I might begin to realize that I am putting a premium on perfection. But I might consider whether this is where I want to put my premium and if it best serves my purposes and designs.

I am thinking about what should be perfect for me but that might leave some important things relatively out of sight. I could also think of what would be big for me. If I could do this or that, it would be big for me, regardless of whether I could achieve actual perfection.

As to what I identify and define as being perfect is it going to be there or is it never going to be there? I want to be a perfect center in the NBA, but since I’m only 6 feet tall I’m never going to jump the tap against the Shaq.

Perfection and its standards might be rising against the investigative process. I might be trying to raise my sights by investigating anything and at the same time, because I’m not sure I might be compromising my investigation by looking also for perfection. I want two boats to appear on the seas horizon when I just really need the one.

If I have a job or situation that I can in fact work perfectly, then that should be a red flag, a red flag saying that there is not enough creativity involved in this pursuit.

Perfection might take out the percentages for me. I am 50 percent interested in this. Perfection tells me I should be 100 percent interested or forget about it.

Perfection can result in an all or nothing mentality where we lose sight of both the gradations and elongations. Even if we get perfection for this moment, it’s not going to stretch out to infinity for us. In addition, a truthful look at any situation involves gradations and nuances that involve proper particularization of what we are seeing. The ease of perfection may be just another trap blinding us to the real.

I am looking for perfection or nothing. I have to have it this way, the perfect way or I will not have it at all. I am at the beach waiting for that perfect wave and I will consider nothing else.

I’m not far behind. This is a very positive statement and in some cases, it might be the proper view. If my potential as an actor is to be not far behind Ben Affleck, then maybe I should be in the movies. But sometimes when I am just taking in the view of perfection, I might not see that I’m not far behind.

I might be looking for my dream date, but if that doesn’t happen I might find another date that is not far behind.

I might be thinking about perfection and I might miss the next best thing. If I can’t get the best things or perfect things, I have the option of the next best thing if I can accept this. If I can’t get jordan 3 exactly what I thought I wanted, what is the next best thing?

Then I might not be perfect but I might be better as this or that. I might not be the President or the king but I might be better as schoolteacher, gymnast, runner, swimmer, and reader of books than many of my contemporaries.

Perfection can trip up the comparisons if I compare myself to perfection I might lose some sight and recognition as to what I still have, going for me that might not reach into the realm of perfection but might be an asset nonetheless that is still very usable. But, maybe you are in a comparable range to perfection. The old joke is when someone says, ” How are you doing?” And you answer, “compared to what, perfection?”

But the search for perfection is going to have the tendency of putting us on a comparison trip because what compares to perfection?

I might want to test capacities. I might even have the capacity to become a positive person and coach myself in that fashion. But I don’t know what my capacities are until I let myself find go through the finding out process so in this case I am not necessarily looking for perfection but just to find out what my capacities are in this or that.

No matter what I can accomplish, in the day, or in a given period, there is a lot that I am going to have to leave undone. Perfection isn’t going to get everything done because it just isn’t possible. I am dealing with limitations as to what can be done at the outset and all the way through.

We might be raising the bar a little bit too high by trying to things perfectly. . My search for perfection might be like running after the sunset instead of just taking it in as a moment in time. Whatever I can capture in the moment is probably not going to ring through the ages for me. What would and could form into a proper symphony for me. Not that we want to be passive, but the striving must have a course that we actually walk with some light at the end of some tunnel. Perfect or not can I go somewhere with this that is more contextual to who and where I am now.

The key point is that if we are going to work with the idea of perfection at all, we need to see perfection as not being a stationary concept. Perfection itself might show different faces. The new face of perfection will appear as things change. We will still need to make continued moves if we want to track with currents of perfection, sometimes these currents may clash, and we need to move realizing that we are tracking with more than one thing. To have any workability, perfection cannot be seen as a stationary concept. While your looking for perfection, you might miss your connection.

A key concept with this is also that the coordinates of perfection will move or change within the currents of perfection. The stations of perfection will change. As we patrol the waters of perfection, we need to look at around at the movements of the sea. The face of perfection might be changing.

What does perfection mean to people and how do they use the concept.

Perfectionism for some can result in absolutism. For them for things to be perfect it absolutely has to be this way. The focus must be absolute absolutely I must obtain this goal.

Perfection for some is making plans and following those plans to the tee. The blueprint, the outline, the plans, should not be compromised if perfection can be found. The basic problem with this is that who is too say that the plan was right in the first place or that other plans may carry equal or real viability. Or even more that the variables that are to be faced could be fully foreseen or contemplated. Or that I need to adjust my outline, adjust my plans, adjust my ideas as I travel further down the coastline.

For some perfection involves what is known. I want that established equilibrium, I want the known perfection. But wanting this isn’t going to get me this. What I don’t know dwarfs anything I can possibly know. How much of the future can I know from this moment? But if I am seeking perfection and correlate that with having to know, it might cost me the chance to seek the unknown and yet see it as exciting, as an adventure and possible holding some good or positive surprises. How can you derive excitement from the unknown and first want that visible perfection? I don’t have to jordan 5 see that unknown that way, but jordan 7 I could try to think of the unknown as something that might be good, and maybe this way of approaching things would be advantageous at times.

Then perfection might relate against the turnaround, against getting it back, getting on another track. Since I looked for perfection, I lost my way I might as well give up. How about the turnaround? I already lost perfection she sailed away, so I totally give up. However, the turnaround was still possible. If I only looked on more time, but I turned my back to the coast one last time.

Then I am looking inward, am I looking outward, where I am looking? Seeking perfection can result in an aggravated sense of self focus and it can result it too much of an outward focus. I need to balance the outer and inner focus but my definition of perfection has me off balance there. For example, I should be socializing more and with people more. But I am waiting for the perfect time so I can present a perfect front and image. In the meantime, I am too inward in my focus and I am losing the balance of perfection in that way. I wasn’t able to balance myself to the shifting sands along my coastline. Those dunes of perfection were too high for me.

Then perfection seems to relate to limits. If I’m perfect, if I can find this perfection, then there shouldn’t be any limits there. Can I forget about my limitations? I need to keep them in mind if I am to chart a course that is workable. But really the perfection I am looking for is found within real limits. But some people start to feel the word perfection usurps real limitations.

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