25 Mar 2015

You Will Have a Good Time While Buying Discount Wolf Grey 3s

I am so upset right now. I feel so stupid for not knowing about mercury in children’s light up shoes. I bought him elmo light up shoes when DS was like six months old because I thought they were cute. I had no idea about mercury and the word never even crossed my mind. I just came across an article about mercury and light up shoes and now I don’t know what to do. feel awful and I am scared to death. I am a terrible, terrible, stupid mom. We have been using those shoes for like a year and a half. When he was a baby, he used to chew on those shoes and used to worry he will get sick. After that, I only let him wear shoes when he is getting down from his car seat. But now, I think of those days when he had them in his mouth, and it’s killing me. How could I have been so careless? Why the hell would these shoe companies still make and sell especially when they are so hazardous to children? Any of you ever bought these kind of shoes? Any ideas on how I can check to make sure my baby is okay? Please advice.

I really don’t know for fact here and hopefully someone else will be better informed but I think the mercury would only be in the light "bulb" itself not in the shoe. Those new energy efficient light bulbs that are out now and I’ve used all over my house have mercury in them as well so they said to be careful when they break. I would say your son is just fine unless he was actually eating the light itself. not a bad mom either. They never tell us anything till after we have used it for a long time. Its very annoying when they do recalls as we have either ate it already or played with it for months on end. Anyway your a good mom for being concerned and I really wouldn’t worry to much. Hopefully some other moms will have more info for you.

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