25 Mar 2015

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Most of the dirt and dust in your floors is brought from the outside, sometimes to a point of needing to clean them at least once a day. Having your feet inside shoes all day long (specially the same shoes) can have a not so good effect on your feet and personal hygine. Stinky shoes are not made that way. Having your shoes on for hours and hours makes your feet sweat and smell, and eventually that stays on the shoes. If you come home tired and you get to the couch or your bed, chances are you just want to lay down, rest, maybe watch TV, and nothing more. And a lot of us end up doing that with our shoes on, leaving dirt (and sometimes worse.) all over the lovely couch or comfy bed. Finally, walking around without shoes is just plain more comfortable. You feel yor feet more and in contact with the floor it makes for a nice feeling.In some Asian countries and I’m sure various other countries this is actually the norm. You have to take off your shoes / socks before entering the house. That’s just the way it is! But I do agree that there can be benefits in doing so.

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