24 Mar 2015

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imvu is a social networking website that allows people to gather online and socialize using avatars to represent themselves. Each person can create their own cool custom avatar then place them in different settings and scenes. You can even dress your avatar in a creative wardrobe, or change the hairstyle in any way you like.

If you want to make imvu clothes for your avatar, follow these steps.

Access imvu. Before you can begin creating imvu clothes you must have an imvu account and be a full member. Become a member then download the content creator program.

Begin with opacity mapped templates. Download a template into your own graphics program such as Photoshop or other paint program. These templates are also called derivables or derivable meshes. Once the template is in your design program you can make adjustments to it. The derivable mesh is the framework for the 3D shape of the clothing items. Change the shape, color or fit of the clothing to match your avatar.

Add texture to the clothing. Once you have adjusted the shape and opacity of the clothing you will need to add texture so the clothing appears real in the 3D environment of imvu.

Save the derivable. Save all your changes to a file once you are satisfied with the look.

View your clothing designs in imvu previewer. Upload the designs to the imvu previewer so you can test them on your avatar. The previewer will show any places where the fit or shape of the design does not match the avatar body. You can make small changes in the previewer or return to Photoshop to edit the mesh derivable.

Put the clothing to work. Use the newly designed wardrobe for your own avatar images or sell your designs for avatar costumes to other imvu members. Check out the content creator program options to sell your designs.

Now that you have learned how to make imvu clothes, the clothing designs you can create are endless. imvu is a virtual playground where with the right clothes and attitude you can make a multitude of virtual friends. Play in the pool of your virtual penthouse or head to the jazzy club you create. Have fun in the virtual world when you create your own imvu designs.

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