24 Mar 2015

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Increase the hours. A 4 hour time slot aOlernKienOP
Sale Online Shoes White Cement 4s (that includes set up and tear down) is far too brief to enjoy all the events offered as part of Car Free Sunday. Last year, my wife and I found ourselves rushed to leave church, eat lunch (more on this later), and then find our way to Uptown by bike and participate in many of the activities before things were packed up and put away. Increasing the hours would allow more people to find time to enjoy these events.

Make it more frequent. My wife and I tried to invite several friends to join us last year, and many had made other plans on these weekends. Kitchener single participation was spoiled by sweltering heat. Making Car Free Sunday more frequent and regular, to say, every one or two weeks, would give more opportunities for success. It would foster a greater sense of community to be able to see each other face to face out on the street more often, and hopefully inspire more cultural change. And nobody would be caught off guard or late for church if they could regularly expect King Street to be closed and plan their commutes accordingly.

Serve food. You can host an event that covers lunch hour aOlernKienOP
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Invite more participation from community groups. Clubs, churches, and other organizations often relish opportunities for exposure to their community. Many churches today are coming to grips with the fact that they sometimes need to sacrifice a few of their Sunday morning services to interact with those who never aOlernKienOP
100 Authentic Womens Photo Blue 9s pass through the church doors on their own. It a good opportunity to connect with the community in a visible way.

Reduce the unnecessary police presence. One of the most expensive aspects of last year Car Free Sundays was the presence of a police officer at every intersection. We don post an officer on guard every time we close a street for construction. I sure motorists can figure out on their own not to drive down a barricaded street.

Promote it. A lot of friends we talked to had never heard about Car Free Sunday, but might aOlernKienOP
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Don let our representatives be ashamed of investing in healthy lifestyles, community, and civic pride. Our governments invest hundreds of millions of dollars locally on car centric infrastructure that keeps us isolated and is slowly killing us. There should be no aOlernKienOP
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Change the name if necessary, but only with good reasons. aOlernKienOP
Buy Real Shoes Air Jordan 12 Gamma Blue Arguing that Free isn inclusive is a bizarre twisting of reality. Clearing away the cars makes King Street a level playing field for everyone to enjoy equally. This isn to say that we might want another name that promotes Car Free Sundays better. But we shouldn walk on eggshells, pretending that having King Street free of cars is a bad thing.

Don misinterpret my critique. I think last year Car Free Sundays were a fantastic start. But I aOlernKienOP
2014 Online Discount Sale Oreo 5s want to see them be made better and become ingrained into our local social and cultural fabric. I want to be able to continue to enjoy Car Free Sunday for aOlernKienOP
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I see Car Free Sundays as DIY aOlernKienOP
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Do you have contacts at your church that would allow you to get a group out? Do you aOlernKienOP
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If we want these things to be successful, I think it going to have to be us that puts in the legwork and aOlernKienOP
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Thanks, and good questions Darcy. I like your perspective, though we still need aOlernKienOP
Order Online Authentic Gamma Blue 11s some help from our public leaders, especially with allowing King to be closed to car traffic aOlernKienOP
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As for my own church, I no longer part of the board, so I can say what role we might be interested in playing, but I sure there are aOlernKienOP
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