24 Mar 2015

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On May 1, eight finalists in Wharton’s second annual business plan competition told a panel of seven judges in 10 minutes or less why their business plan deserved to win the first aOlernKienOP
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The judges included venture capitalists, entrepreneurs and investment bankers. None of those polled correctly identified the winner.

You might have better luck. Below we offer brief summaries of the eight finalists and then announce the judges’ decision. We conclude with very brief mentions of the competition’s semifinalists.

One final note: Don’t be hard on yourself if you don’t pick the winners. It could be that you did, but don’t know it. RadioXchange, the concept awarded first place by the judges in last year’s competition, never got off the ground. The company recently landed a $30 million round of financing with online brokerage ETrade as the lead investor.

The Great Eight:

Slingshot Solutions: The company addresses the problem of e commerce returns and the money lost in returns processing. The business team’s description says it proprietary dynamic couponing and rebating technology to add surplus through returns transactions. Our strategy is to partner with manufacturers and e tailers to facilitate logistics and better manage customer relationships. Our target markets are consumer products with predictable rates of return and rapid value decay. We handle the product through outsourcing relationships with third party logistics centers. We operate in a very aOlernKienOP
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are here because of the ability of our team to incorporate everyone’s skills, Hata added. was the hardest part, finding the right people and the most effective way to motivate them. One of the first things someone told me about this process was that your goal should be not to think about raising money or building a business model, but going out and finding individuals who believe in the idea more than you do. If you surround yourself with these people the rest will fall into place.

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