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So here’s another twist to the speed limiter issue which may not have received due consideration when the Ontario Trucking Association (OTA) was developing the proposal,
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According to a Ministry of Transportation official, it’s likely that violations of the speed limiter law (once it comes to be),
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"If the proposed legislation is passed, it is likely violations will count against a carrier’s CVOR rating," I was recently told by an MTO official. (For the full story,
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It’s no secret that the muscle behind the proposed legislation has been the OTA, which represents the Ontario carrier community. The real proponents of the proposal have been some of Ontario’s biggest carriers in many cases,
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These carriers value their hard earned CVOR ratings, and I would venture to guess that the carriers in favour of speed limiter legislation collectively boast some of the best CVOR ratings in the industry. But once the new law is adopted,
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I’m not by any means suggesting that owner/operators will set out to sabotage their employers’ CVOR ratings by refusing to comply with the rule,
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Big Discount For Big Order Black Cement 4s, I do feel that many carriers may unwittingly incur damage to their valued CVOR rating once this rule becomes law, an unintended consequence of hoisting an unpopular new legislation on an unwelcoming driver pool. Despite the MTO’s promise of an educational enforcement period during which no fines will be levied against violators, I have a hunch there will be plenty of penalties doled out once the MTO cracks its whip. There will undoubtedly be a segment of the population that tries to tamper with the settings, and they will surely test the abilities (and patience) of some of Ontario’s finest inspection officers. In the process,
, some will get busted. And in the process, their employers’ CVORs will take a hit.

It will be interesting to see how carriers enforce the new law within their own operations. It’s simple enough to govern company equipment, but ensuring compliance amongst their owner/operators may prove more of a challenge. For owner/operators and carriers, the cost of non compliance will be high. But one could argue that it’s the carriers that face the biggest risk especially those with an unblemished CVOR rating at stake. I can help but wonder how long it will be until the powers that are shoving this down the throats of truckers take aim at all the cars,
Order Mens Air Jordan 13 Reflective Silver, suv motor homes, motor cycles and every other type of vechile on the highways of this country that seems to be lost to us a little bit at the time. Every one in favor of sppeed limiters raise your right arm.

DO NOT IMPOSE RULES AND RGUTLATIONS ON THE MASSES BECAUSE OF THE ACTIONS OF A FEW PEOPLE. All you will do is spend a lot of time and taxpayer money and makeing a lot ot honest people crimanls. Case in point GUN CONTROL, any sane person has got to wonder how many billions of dollars will be wasted on this program that good have been used differently and would have made a real difference.

Where are our rights as a owner operator on this issue,
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Every time I am reading the trucknews news paper , there is always something about what the OTA and the big GuyS in the industrie wants,
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My data port has some kind of issue. If the repair facility wishes to check my ecm the must plug into the ecm. Will the mto going to be able to ? No they will probably give me a ticket and tell me to have it fixed,
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I see all kinds of hand held programers for diesel pickups,
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I welcome speed limiters to the trucking industry with somewhat perverse fascination. Mostly interseted in watching this social experiment play itself out to be what it will be . The art of manipulating heavy equipment on Ontario highways has become a chore at the best of times , I can only imagine what a restriction such as a capped 105 kph speed limit will do and how the future traffic pattern will manifest itself. And why 105 kph? A more practical speed would be 110kph where the flow of traffic would be less obstructed. 90kph is the speed for maximum fuel mileage if the reasoning is lessen fuel consumption.

I wonder if all trucks would be condemned to the righ lane of any highway due to the inability to break rank from the crowd. They would possibly look like a row of automatoms stretching from Windsor to Cornwall and staring at each others back doors for hours on end. And what about those poor motorists capable of such incredible speeds but having to weave those speeds around and through that right lane that resembles a endless line of freight railcars,
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My only concern is the behaviour of other vehicles around slower trucks and if this will add to feed the fury that is motorist of 2008 You know, The ones that need to be 20 kph over the speed limit all the time with a coffee , cigarette and cellphone just a blazing. Anyone who has been travelling westbound 401,
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Highways and byways are often referred to as and liken to arteries should be free of blockage,
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maybe when they get the limiters in we should do as we did back when we hauled to the us and go to the border and transfer the loads to ont. trucks. when will we as a industry stand up and get noticed by our goverments the farmers and fishermen go as one and get something done why cant we,
Where Can i Buy Cheap Air Jordan 11 Bred 2012? as far as the remarks made by one of your readers we as a group of workers in this industry spend most of the time away from our familys and are treated as the worst of the worst. thank god i almost though driving a truck i feel sorry for the new driver comming up today,
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