21 Mar 2015

Jordan Winterized 6 Rings Type Y to begin the cleanup process

Hi. I am new to the forum and NEED help. I’m usually pretty good at figuring stuff out usually by checking out forums like this one, but so far no dice. Every time I start my computer, it loads, goes to the desktop and then I get the BSOD. I installed the Recovery Console. I restarted the computer, and I got a prompt Windows XP or Recovery Console. I clicked Recovery and the screen went black with a blinking curser at the top left hand corner. I’m at Jordan Winterized 6 Rings a complete loss.

Restart your PC. After the pc powers down and immediately after you hear it powering up again start tapping the F8 key in about 1 second intervals. A screen should appear with “Safe Mode with networking” as one of the options. Select “Safe Mode with networking”, as the operating system is loading you should Air Jordan CDP see white text against a black background rolling up the Air Jordan 6s screen. This is normal. Once loaded the screen will look cartoonish with “safe mode” appearing in the 4 corners”

Note: Never use msconfig to boot into “Safe Mode” when dealing with malware as this can cause boot loop.

Once you are in “Safe Mode” download Malwarebytes’ Anti Malware (MBAM). Reboot when prompted and let your pc boot up normally.

Please post the log MBAM produces. It will also reset your hosts file.

You may want to print these instructions or copy them to a notepad document on your desktop so they can be accessed in safe mode.

IMPORTANT: Temporarily disable any Realtime protection given by Antivirus, Antispyware and script blocking etc

Refer to the link below to assess how to do this with your current security tools.

Next boot your pc into Jordan Pro Strong “Safe mode” using the f8 key during start up.

Please do not use msconfig method whenever booting into “Safe Mode” for malware removal as this can cause boot loop

1) Open the extracted SDFix folder and double click RunThis to start the script. This can be found in the root directory usually C:\SDFix.

2) Type Y to begin the Air Jordan 7s cleanup process.

3) It will remove any Trojan Services and Registry Entries that it finds then prompt you to press any key to Reboot.

4) Press any Key and it will restart the PC.

5) When the PC restarts the Fixtool will run again and complete the removal process then display Finished, press any key to end the script and load your desktop icons.

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