21 Mar 2015

Air Jordan 3s Meanwhile

Don’t tell us that anyone is buying that BS from the BCS that the scandal involves only the Fiesta Bowl and is no reflection on the rest of the system. Pa lease!

We need a little outrage because the Fiesta Bowl scandal is an opportunity for change, an opportunity to bring down the evil BCS, an opportunity to replace a monopolistic, un American, unfair, elitist system with a playoff.

The Fiesta Bowl scandal could be the best thing to happen to college football since TV and the forward pass. The lying liars of the BCS have finally been exposed for what most observers thought they were all along: a good old boys network that is hanging onto an archaic system because it’s a cash cow.

Predictably, the BCS is backpedaling like Deion Sanders trying to distance itself from the Fiesta scandal. Bill Hancock, executive director and chief dispenser of crapola for the Bowl Championship Series, said the Fiesta Bowl could be removed from its exclusive club of BCS bowls that hosts a Air Jordan 3s national championship game every four years.

“The BCS group takes this matter very seriously and will consider whether they keep a BCS bowl game, and we will consider other appropriate sanctions,” Hancock told The Arizona Republic.

Tony Samaranch couldn’t have done it any better. Remember when Tony tried to pin all the blame for the Salt Lake bid scandal exclusively on a handful of its members and gave them the boot even though gifts and graft were a decades old systemic problem in the IOC?

And Hancock and the boys want us to believe the Fiesta scandal is an isolated problem? Right.

“Any BCS effort to expel the Fiesta Bowl would be a hypocritical act, given the documented irregularities at these other BCS bowls,” says Matthew Sanderson, co founder of Playoff PAC, a group advocating a playoff system. “And who’s to say we won’t find the same type of shockingly questionable behavior when the curtain is peeled back at the BCS’s Orange Bowl and Sugar Bowl?”

The Playoff PAC web site lists the following questionable behavior by the Orange and Sugar bowls, which are classified as non profit, tax exempt businesses:

Orange Bowl sponsors an annual Caribbean cruise that the Bowl itself describes as a “complimentary getaway” for bowl staff and college football officials that includes no business meetings.

out of every $10 that the Sugar Bowl takes in ends up in the hands of Air Jordan 6 Rings its top three executives.

Bowl executive director Paul Hoolahan received $645,386 in 2009, a year in which the Sugar Bowl lost money despite receiving a $1.4 million government grant. Hoolahan collected $25,000 more than the Rose Bowl’s top three executives combined.

bowls use charitable funds to fly bowl execs and spouses first class, pay private club dues, and foot the bill for employees’ personal income taxes. The Orange Bowl, for example, spent $756,546 on travel in 2009 for its personnel.

Orange Bowl spent Air Jordan 1 Retro $331,938 on “parties” and “summer splash” in 2004, $42,281 on “golf” in 2004 and 2006, $535,764 on “gifts” in 2006, and $472,627 on “gifts” in 2008.

Sugar Bowl spent $201,226 on “gifts and bonuses” and $330,244 on “decorations” in 2008.

Sugar Bowl spent $710,406 in 2007 and 2008 on a mysteriously vague category called “special appropriations.”

Orange Bowl spends over $100,000 per year on “postage and shipping” (10 times the amount that other BCS bowls spend annually).

Orange Bowl spent $1,189,005 on unspecified “entertainment” and “catering” in 2009, $1,017,322 on undifferentiated “event food” and “entertainment” in 2008, and $75,896 on “recruitment” in 2008.

All this to put on TWO football games?

They hardly sound like tax exempt, nonprofit entities. And yet Hancock, referring to the Fiesta Bowl scandal, says he has “absolutely no indication” of similar behavior by the BCS’s other Air Jordan 2s three bowls.

Remember all that talk from Hancock and the boys about how the BCS system is best for the game? It rings hollow now.

It’s not just the Fiesta Bowl; it’s the entire BCS system. It’s driven by money and greed and billions of dollars, all of which exploit a cheap labor force student athletes.

Meanwhile, it’s relevant to note that, according to an NCAA report, 106 of the 120 schools that play Division I football lost money in 2009. Most schools lose money to participate in bowl games; some schools even lose money to play in a BCS bowl. If all this weren’t enough, students, already faced with rising tuition costs and strapped by a bad economy, are subsidizing most of these football programs through university fees.

And these BCS fatcats are billing bowls for golf dates and cruises?

“You can’t indict the entire bowl system because of what’s gone on there (at the Fiesta Bowl),” said NCAA President Mark Emmert.

Yes, you can and you should. It’s time for NCAA school presidents to take back the game that was hijacked by the BCS. It’s time for the NCAA to run college football the same way it runs college basketball. The timing couldn’t be better for dumping the BCS.

The Fiesta Bowl is reportedly being investigated by the Arizona attorney general’s office and the IRS. According to the Air Jordan 1 Arizona Republic, the bowl’s list of possible criminal offenses could include conspiracy, wire and mail fraud, obstruction of justice, unlawful political donations, tax evasion, kickbacks, money laundering and bribery of public officials.

Junker, who was paid $600,000 a year as CEO of the Fiesta Bowl, billed the Fiesta Bowl $1,241 to pay for a visit that he and two associates made to Phoenix strip club in 2008.

“We are in the business where big, strong athletes are known to attend these types of establishments,” Junker said, according to investigators. “It was important for us to visit and we certainly conducted business.”

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