18 Mar 2015

Air Jordan 10s Gary

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Inspired by the saga of “Wrestling Superstar Virgil,” we continue with readers’ encounters with the titans of the squared circle. If you’ve had your own Air Jordan 10s run in with wrestlers past or present, e mail us, subject line “Virgilbag.”

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I grew up in the pinebelts of West Alabama. Incredible deer hunting. My dad is an attorney and is friends with a prominent Jackson, Mississippi attorney. My dad invites the Jackson attorney and two of his buddies over to do a weekend of deer hunting on our property. The two other guys happen to be Eddie Payton (former Minnesota Viking, current Jackson St. men’s golf coach and brother of Walter) and Virgil’s boss, the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase.

Ted happens to live outside of Jackson and is a big hunter. I come down from college at Tuscaloosa and bring in tow several of my degenerate frat buddies. We all meet Eddie and the Million Dollar Man on Friday and they are awesome. They’re religious and don’t drink but they laugh at our shenanigans. (Eddie’s son is there and doing all kinds of gymnastics tumbles, flips and shit). Ted tells great stories about Andre the Giant drinking entire kegs at bars. We grilled steaks that night and Ted would spontaneously bust out, “Everybody’s got a price for the Million Dollar Man! Ahahahaha!” On Sunday before they left we snapped this pic of him putting me in a sleeper hold. Great guy.

A buddy (Gary) and I used to be police officers in Oklahoma. We were both big wrestling fans and we had a chance to work security at a WCW house show, in Tulsa, in the late 90s. No pay of course but we got in free and got to see the action. Gary gets us in and we meet the building security guy. When we get there to check in, the security guy realizes we are real cops (not in uniform though). This apparently makes an impression on him and he decides to put us by the wrestler’s dressing room area.

They give us our yellow security shirts and we get posted. I am actually on the door guarding the wrestler’s backstage area. This spot was a curtained off section of one of the interior hallways and it led to the main arena. Goldberg had either just become champion or was on the rise and he was making his big return to Tulsa where he grew up. I got to stand by the door and keep people from walking in or asking to see Goldberg since they “were buddies from high school” or whatever.

It was interesting watching all the big names of the day walk around. Guys that were fighting each other that night were just sitting together at tables, eating pizza, playing cards, etc. I still remember seeing Chris Benoit walk around. He was not tall at all but was ripped/no body fat (we know why of course). The Giant, Big Show, whatever you want to call him was there and was the only jerk out of the group Air Jordan 6s that I dealt Air Jordan CDP with. Arn Anderson was there as a road manager and I got a picture with him. He did not seem too enthused to be in Tulsa or standing next to yellow shirt security guy or both.

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