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Shell’s efforts have been delayed for five years. John Hofmeister, aOlernKienOP
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Other companies that have leases in the area ConocoPhillips, Chevron and BP have essentially been waiting to see if Shell’s project moves forward.

In his book , Hofmeister wrote about going to Washington in the summer of 2006 to visit the headquarters of what was then the Mineral Management Service. He wanted to understand why it was taking so long for the agency to approve an environmental impact statement for the project. The process was supposed to take 120 days but at the end of that time, nothing had happened. The timing is crucial. Each year, because of the short Alaskan summer, Shell faces a narrow window of ice free drilling days.

Hofmeister found that preparing the paperwork involved reviewing hundreds of pages of documents and writing hundreds more. "Common sense told aOlernKienOP
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Delayed for FIVE years and yet it is still Obama fault? General 1 and aOlernKienOP
Where Can i Buy Air Jordan 4 Oreo 2015 Rockkocker you guys are either great comedians or seriously see everything through Rush colored glasses.

And as far as what companies transformed America do your really think that Microsoft (or any other software or hardware) manufacturer did it all on their own? If so you have no idea how much basic research comes from federal dollars either through Universities or the military.

The mindless government drones are an embarrassment to blame that on Obama is moronic, and down right simple minded. The reason China marches on is because they have a very narrow national resource strategy: get aOlernKienOP
Where Can i Find Orion 7s oil anywhere and any way they can. They don have to worry about relying on a company driven by a board of directors who are only worried their bonus for the quarter yet to read a comment aOlernKienOP
Real Mens Shoes Air Jordan 3 Joker where any of you are complaining about the Chinese gobbling up shale oil stakes in Colorado is that Obama fault too???

You guys watch to much Glen Beck! If you read the article you see the problems went back to 2006 GWB presidency, not just the Obama administration. that lead to the most innovation!

SO turn off Glen Beck and look at the truth.

Lets be realistic and look at the green alternative solar, how much electricity could have been produced at the heighth of this recent storm? And, as to wind turbines, are the airfoils of the wind turbines susceptible to ice build up as our best aircraft are? And the aircraft are immobile, on the ground and easily de iced! So it said the the electricity that both produce can be stored in batteries? How long? If we had batteries that could store electricity, in the cold, for long periods, the auto industry would be on them like the proverbial on a junebug Sure the power plants we have today are old and clunky, but nukes scare people, so we better get used to being extremely cold as Al Gore predicted ;o)

year, because of the short Alaskan summer, Shell faces a narrow window of ice free drilling days. Steffy

Near offshore wells are drilled in the winter because the sea ice connects to the coast and trucks can be taken out to the well site. On land, seasonal ice roads are built in winter by spraying water on road beds. This allows vehicular movement over the tundra without damaging it. The roads disappear in the summer, thus reducing the surface footprint. Winter is the drilling season, not the summer.

Commenter obviously doesn have a clue about the history of high tech innovation. It was started by government nurtured by government.

Meanwhile, what have the oil companies done to spur alternative energies (and thereby strengthen themselves iin the long run)? Not much.

In any case, taking shots at Obama is dumb. The article clearly states, had refused to extend the time requirement for granting the permit, so MMS simply ignored the time stipulation. Which tells me that the administration is bending over backward to help oil companies. If you want aOlernKienOP
100 Authentic Womens Obsidian 12s to take a shot, aim at the Texas Republicans in Congress. Government or any other government play in their innovations? Answer No. 1: Wal mart, Google, Apple and Facebook. Answer No. 2: whatsoever. Every single one of those companies owes a great deal to both of those products for their success.

You couldnt have chosen a worse example. You just made the case for the government. Brilliant.

THis is lazy reporting by the Chronicle and Steffy. Free publicity for Shell and API as if this aOlernKienOP
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It is a good piece, but the commenters need to aOlernKienOP
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Buy Online Cheap Air Jordan 3 Fear doning anything about it. Energy Industry. The problem with that part is the people in government haven got a clue about how to produce energy hydrocarbon based or otherwise.

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