24 Mar 2015

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hi i am 20 year old male i have been have sharp chest pains last no longer than 3 seconds in center of my chest this has been going on for past 6 months + in the past 2 month i started felling dizzy like am going to faint all time especially wen im outside about 3 month ago i had this pain in me chest like me heart was pounding out me chest which lasted 5 mins doctor said it was panic ataacks but now am getting pains in me left arm and shoulder i cant get it out off me head i scared off going out i have had various tests done such as bloods taken 3 times ecg 3 times and even run on treadmill for a stress test everything came back negative am scared of dieing and also i get stressed we people start screaming and shouting round me i get aggressive very easy n normally i am a very laydback person i also get som jaw ache like a muscle is streching .

if anyone could help i would be greatfull thanks alot

I appreciate that you have taken your symptoms seriously enough to have a thorough evaluation by a cardiologist. If all the tests came back negative for any cardiac problems, then it may be of value to explore non heart related scenarios. It is very difficult to address issues that can contribute to either panic ( as your one doctor suggested) or to other somatic displays of stress or fear over the internet. Everyone’s tolerance to stress is different, and can even vary for that individual from moment to moment or day to day. At whatever time the chest pains first began, or whatever precipitating factors may have triggered them, the ongoing experience of unresolved chest pain certainly becomes to some degree self perpetuating. Whenever a clenched jaw and a realization that one’s coping mechanism is less than successful, then it may be a good idea to explore your concerns with a mental health professional. This does not mean you are crazy, nor does it mean you are mentally "ill". It only means that, as everyone does at some time or another, you may need some additional help in sorting out your current stressors, and in so doing may be able to find a way to identify the chest pain, and put it to rest. You have been so detailed in describing your current concerns, it is clear you have taken the time to really try to recognize your reactions to situations (such as to people screaming around you). That is the first step to finding the best way to address the issues. Your town may have resources that are free or on a sliding scale to help you. Please consider exploring them.

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