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WOLCOTT A 24 year old woman who may have been texting while driving slammed into a motorcycle on aOlernKienOP
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A Wolcott police officer on patrol spotted Stephanie Clavell of 1728 Meriden Road in Waterbury driving a Subaru west on Meriden Road using her cellphone, according to Wolcott aOlernKienOP
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Art Vandelay wrote on Jun 26, 2013 5:43 AM:" I agree with Below Me. I’m on the road constantly and the problem is epidemic. The only way to stop it permanently is a law prohibiting the sale of hand held devices without a microchip capable of sensing motion which cannot be bypassed. Once the microchip detects motion over 5mph, it automatically disables the device.

It’s to only way to stop the problem. It’s worse than aOlernKienOP
Official Website Varsity Red 6s Drunk Driving. This problem did not exist 15 aOlernKienOP
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John Annon wrote on Jun 26, 2013 8:45 AM:" According to the latest information just recently released 3,000 aOlernKienOP
Shop Cheap Laney 5s people in the United States were killed due to Texting last year. Police,Fire and anyone else should not be above the Law as they are aOlernKienOP
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I don’t understand why people will spend $400 on a aOlernKienOP
Where Can i Order Black Grape 5s phone, but not buy an $80 bluetooth to speak on, and even text (although I’m not sure those are much better). It gets me so angry that people think they can put my safety in jeopardy because they can’t aOlernKienOP
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Sami6 wrote on Jun 27, 2013 9:04 PM:" "Kathy Ciav" why hold the phone companies responsible? This is the problem, people not being held aOlernKienOP
Find Great Deals Here Playoffs 13s accountable for their own actions. People accepting responsibility for what they do.

The phone company didn’t make her text!!!!

"Todasa" why is it so imperative that anyone must us a phone in a car. Are you so important that you need to call home and tell someone where you are and when you will be home? I doubt it.

This was a weak law at best. Being hands free has nothing to do with it. It was a cop out by the legislators.

In the 1960’s "telephones" were prohibited in cars. In the aOlernKienOP
Buy Womens Air Jordan 4 Thunder 2012 late 1980’s the law was abolished because cell phones aOlernKienOP
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Donlectric wrote on Jul 1, 2013 7:48 AM:" I knew Terry very well and for aOlernKienOP
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his senceless death needs to be brought to justice.

I wonder how important the text was the ended my friends life. this is not an accident. it is murder. everyone is told that texting while driving is dangerous and illegal. this Girl decided ( like countless others to disreguard safety just to have a meaningless conversation through text while driving. Terry was completly stopped when he was hit. this girl never even saw the red light or the stopped vehicles in front of her. horrible! and Terry had to die for it.

the system must make an example of this case and put this girl away for at least 20 years without parol!. that is my humble opinion. " this cell aOlernKienOP
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