20 Mar 2015

Air Jordan Fusion 5 etc instead

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limit my search to /r/todayilearneduse the following search parameters to narrow your results:see the search faq for details. Please link directly to a reliable source that supports every claim in your post title. Images alone do not count as valid references. BBC, Discovery, etc).

No news or recent sources. News and any sources (blog, article, press release, video, etc.) more recent than two months are not allowed.

Nothing related to recent politics.

No misleading claims. Posts that omit essential information, or present unrelated facts in a way that suggest a connection will be removed. not “TIL something interesting about bacon”).

Titles must be able to stand on their own without requiring Air Jordan Fusion 5 readers Jordan Pro Strong to click on a link. Air Jordan 2s Starting your title with a why/what/who/where/how modifier should be unnecessary.

“TIL about .” and other broad posts don belong on TIL. Try /r/Wikipedia, etc. instead, Air Jordan 5s or be more specific (and Air Jordan 9s avoid the word “about”).

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