19 Mar 2015

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You gotta check out today’s interview with Russell Simmons. Props to producer Roy Hurst for taking 40 minutes of raw tape and cutting out most of the cursing and shouting. but leaving in just enough to give you a sense of how things went in the studio.

Russell Simmons is a hard man to book for an interview, aOlernKienOP
Sale Online Military Blue 4s so when he scheduled with us for a recent Friday we leapt at the chance. He rolled into NPR West six deep with people on cell phones: mainly burly men who aOlernKienOP
Womens Championship Cigar 6s did not smile. His shoes were arctic white, aOlernKienOP
Mens Air Jordan 4 Oreo 2015 probably Air Force Ones, though I’m not up on the sneaker game. His shirt was covered in sanskrit writing. His hat was purposefully thrust to the side.

You just know some interviews are going to require a bit of energy, and there was adrenaline pumping for me (and I think other members of the staff) well before Simmons was seated in studio.

After all, this is the man who so put out the staff of WGN TV in Chicago that they ran a blog post called "Russell Simmons: Get Over Yourself"

It read in part:

What we didn’t get to in the interview is that SImmons is a proponent of Yoga. Page 71, he writes, "Meditation can help bring you back aOlernKienOP
Shop The Latest Bobcats 10s to a place that you probably forgot even existed. A place where you will know the right choice to make in every situation. A place where you can be in control of your emotions and ignore the distractions that keep you from focusing on what’s really important."

Maybe all that sitting in silence caused his inner Ying or Yang to explode.

Anyhow, given that context, just listen to what we got out of him.

Apparently, talking about misogyny is a no no. Good thing we’re doing a special roundtable on gender and hip hop next week!

It’s aOlernKienOP
How Can i Buy Cool Grey 10s all part of this month’s Hip Hop series. And we got a LOT of other great stories up our sleeve.

Anyhow, for me, this ranks as one of my all time favorite interviews. Not favorite the way you might say "chocolate is my favorite sweet," but more like, "this will go down in the annals of my interviewing history."

Hey, it didn’t blow all the way up like Gene Simmons on Terry Gross’ Fresh Air. I’m relieved.

Oh, by the way, if you want to get a good decoder ring for some of the buddhist philosophy Russell and I were talking about, check out this great book on Buddhism and African Americans, Being Black: Zen and the Art of Living with Fearlessness and Grace by Angel Kyodo Williams. Really, anyone aOlernKienOP
Store Online Shoes Fear 4s can benefit from it. whether you’re aOlernKienOP
Styles Of Cheap Raptor 7s interested in Buddhist practice or just learning about the philosophy, it’s simply written and clearly delivered.

Can’t wait to hear what y’all think of the interview! And is Russell, as he says, a servant of hip hop?

Ms. Chideya:

I am greatly disappointed in how you conducted yourself during your aOlernKienOP
Wholesale Air Jordan 5 Laney interview with Mr. Simmons. I found you to be disrespectful and rude. Your show sounded like a shock jock program. You were out of aOlernKienOP
Real Shoes Powder Blue 10s line "complaining" about bitches, niggas and ho’s when the man was there to promote his book.

It’s not right that Mr. Simmons has to defend his influence in hip hop every time he interviews with an African American interviewer. I believe he’s often attacked by African American female interviewers because they are jealous that he chose an Asian queen instead of an aOlernKienOP
Order Online Mens Raptor 7s African American one and that African American males in the music industry whether they be artists or dj’s attack him because they are "JEALOUS" of his success.

I believe hip hop has aOlernKienOP
Wholesale Slam Dunk 6s done more for race relations than the civil rights movement since Dr. King???s influence. The truth of the matter is Ms. Chideya, you probably wouldn’t even have a show if not for the entire aOlernKienOP
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Sent by Treniece Bridges from Jacksonville, Florida 9:01 PM 6 4 2007

I have to say that I thought Russell Simmons had much more of a point than Ms. Chideya had when it came to talking about his book compared to debating the appropriateness of hip hop diction.

To entrap someone into trying to defend the actions of other people is just kind aOlernKienOP
Buy Online Bright Crimson 3s of an unfair conversational aOlernKienOP
Size 7 Cheap Green Glow 4s ploy; to do it to someone you’re interviewing is the action of a political operative.

I’m a 60’s era feminist, and I may agree with some of your own perspectives on the aOlernKienOP
Order Womens Olympic 6s matter, but this interview was NOT the time or place to push them.

I hope you think twice about this and make a plan to move away from this tactic in future interviews. It’s annoying and embarrassing to listen to.

Sent by Janet 9:29 PM 6 4 2007

The man is awesome! He is what he is, on one hand he is giving back, so what if he isn’t polished and aOlernKienOP
Order Online Powder Blue 10s suited up, he is Russell Simmons, just stop fighting him and listen. It was awesome!

Sent by Nik 9:48 aOlernKienOP
New Cheap Fontay Montana 9s PM 6 4 2007

I’m from NY, not to far from where Russell Run DMC are from. I don’t like Simmons! I think he’s a sell out! He talks so highly of Hip Hop Rappers of today. I think most of aOlernKienOP
Online Mens Air Jordan 4 Cavs todays rap/hip hop, not all, is poison filthy! Why must all the foul langauge name calling be in the songs. We all know about the fight to clean up the lyric’s. Russell is fighting to let Rappers say whats on their minds. Freedom of speach he says. Russell is all for his pockets! Russell Ben Chivez[ hope I got his name right]are both full of ^+. I’ll give Russell props as a aOlernKienOP
Buy Online Shoes Stealth 10s smart bussiness man, but also as a SELL OUT!

Sent by Brian Williams 11:12 PM 6 4 2007

I found Russell’s comments thought provoking even if I aOlernKienOP
100% Finest Grade Bred 13s didn’t fully agree with all the points. One cannot reap the true benefits of peace and love behind the reality of a mafia style industry. However, I also agree that Ms. Chideya failed to take the interview towards the "Zen" state that I come to expect from NPR. It’s the interviewer’s "art" to craft the questions so that the listeners can "see inside" the guest. Instead we were given a "what wrong with rap" questionnaire that’s already been done a thousand times over.

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